Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pioneer Day Celebration

Pioneer Day was Sunday but we celebrated last night for FHE.

First, we turned this cardboard . . . into a campfire. Alaina "helped." Then, we shook some whipping cream in a old peanut butter jar until it turned to butter (to eat with rolls and our homemade strawberry jam). All the girls took turns shaking the butter and while they did we told them stories about their pioneer ancestors. Drew told them about Richard Godfrey (Jake's namesake) who was part of the fated Martin handcart company. I told about Charles Samson who was part of the rescue party.Check out Ellie in the above picture. She's always sticking her finger in her belly button. Andrew and I are slightly concerned that it's becoming a form of self comfort (like thumb sucking) because we've noticed her doing at night when we put her to bed. I think if she does it as a baby that's no biggie, but if she's still doing it in preschool and kindergarten she'll be in danger of being the classroom weirdo. Also, as Drew points out, her fingers will always smell.

1 comment:

Jones said...

I had to laugh at the belly button rubbing...Liam used to do that for self-comfort. He grew out of it by 3 and only really did it at bed time :)
