Tuesday, August 24, 2010

South Carolina

I've been at my mom's house a week now and after all the hustle and bustle of moving (to a storage unit) and travelling (to CA) it's been nice to slow down some. We may have slowed down too much though because the girls have gotten a bit scrappy looking. Check out my naked baby. Check out Alaina's hair. It's forever in her eyes.
Still, with all the relaxing we've done some fun stuff. I've been able to sleep in some days and even take a few naps. Yesterday I went with my sis-in-law, Codi to get pedicures. I normally get a light, neutral color and if I feel like splurging, I get french tips. This time I decided to branch out.
Not so fun stuff: I left my debit in the ATM. When I told Drew he said, "Jill! That's the second time you've done that this month!"

Mostly we've just hung out and . . .
Sewed and played in Nana's sewing room and . . .
Played in the pool and . . .
Played with cousins (pinball below).

1 comment:

Chanda said...

Hey Jill! I'm so happy for you! All moved out. That is SO MUCH work. I hope you find someplace great-soon.
