Thursday, February 26, 2009


Today I got a gold crown. That's right GOLD. I have total mouth bling now.

It all started a little over a year ago when I had to have a root canal (luckily between pregnancies). I was 30 and I kept thinking "welcome to your thirties." I thought stuff like this wouldn't happen until my forties or fifties. Oh well.

So, December 2007 I had root canal and then a month later I bit into a chip cluster (several melded together) and part of my tooth fell off. FELL OFF like I was a freakin meth-head!

What followed was a year of a partial tooth and fillings that fell out every few months--the last one was this Christmas. Then, the decision to get a crown, an afternoon in the dental chair during which my new dentist wanted to chat about jewelery and marvelled over "the tiniest 'temporary' (tooth) ever" as she made it, and today, the whole saga finished (I hope) with the crown. I wish that I had been able to prevent the problematic cavity in the first place, but it is what it is and mostly I'm grateful. As I laid for hours in the dental chair alternately examining random details around me--the dentist's eye makeup, hygienist's earrings, speckled ceiling tiles, fingerprints and splatters on the overhead light--I thought, I am so grateful for dental professionals and advances technology and insurance and babysitters and whatnot. I'm pretty sure when I was a kid the dentist didn't numb my gums before sticking the needle into to further numb my gums. Even just that Q-tip with numbing gel is a blessing.
And, I'm hoping to help my little girls avoid my dental fate (just as my mother did with me). So far so good. Alaina especially likes having her gums brushed (giggles and smiles).
On another note, how cute is this?!
I love that Lizzie loves to feed Alaina:


Dan and Sharon said...

So want is your new rapper name? Well now we know Jill is a gold digger. hahahaha. Love the girls together.

Carrie said...

I could go into great detail about the two root canals I had after my pregnancies with Seth and Luke. I too and very grateful for modern dentistry. The second root canal I had was a molar that got infected. I was in intense pain. I never got any "bling" though, just the veneer.
