Monday, February 9, 2009

Cutest Little Patient Ever


Ryann said...

Poor sick girl! but you are right, she is the cutest little patient!

Justin and Crystal said...

Poor baby! I hope she gets to feeling better soon!

Ward Family said...

Poor little thing! I hope she feels better soon.

Codi said...

Love her in the hospital gown!

Carrie said...

I'm so sorry that Alaina has been so sick. Its hard to take care of a sick baby because they can't tell you what is wrong with them. You just agonize over their ailments because they are acting like themselves. You did the right thing in taking her to the ER. Its better to do that than worry yourself sick as your baby gets sicker. I took Collette to the ER a few years ago when she was having horrible stomach cramps. It turns out, it was only constipation but I'm still glad I took her to ease my worry. I'm so glad your mom came to help. Its too bad Andrew is gone. I hope he feels guilty up there on the slopes.
