Sunday, February 15, 2009

V Day

Nana left yesterday. We were sad to see her go, but glad she could spend some time with Papa on Valentines Day.
An hour after Nana left Lizzie missed her. They had some fun times together (and I had some much-needed breaks).Since Drew wasn't around for Valentines I spent the evening helping Lizzie make and deliver some treats to a few friends. It reminded me of when I was little kid and we left cards on our neighbor's doorsteps.
I figured Drew and I would celebrate when he got back, but while he has been gone he has surprised me with daily love notes and some treats and presents hidden all over the apartment. Each morning I couldn't wait to check my email to see where to look next. "Look in the cooler in the hall closet." "Look behind the Barnes Family picture in the front room." "Look between Lainey's changing table and the wall."
This has definitely been one of my most memorable and favorite Valentines to date. The other Valentines day we were apart was memorable too. It was our first one as a couple and I was in Israel. Andrew managed to get me flowers and a phone call. So sweet. In general I prefer to be together for the holiday, but being apart every now and then isn't too bad. This year it forced us be more creative and I think we both appreciated that.

1 comment:

Julie Broadbent said...

Cute picture of Lizzie and Nana. I'm glad she was able to come out to visit. Your Valentine's Day/week sounds very romantic.
