Sunday, February 1, 2009

Off Week

This week has felt a little off in only the way a week of snow in DC can.

- I took the girls the the recently reopened National Museum of American History. Loved it. I ended up trying to explain SLAVERY and the HOLOCAUST to Liz. She was upset. "Even the kids?" "Even the girls?" All day, "Why Mommy?"

TUESDAY - School holiday that would have been a snow day anyway. The road weren't too bad. I managed to haul my girls and a friend to the outlet mall.

WEDNESDAY - School snow day despite no new snow. I thought maybe it would be a 2 hour delay. Nope. People are crazy about snow out here. We filled our extra time with a couple playdates.

In the evening I tried a new recipe that required pork shoulder. I've never cooked with pork shoulder and did not realize it came on the bone with lots of fat and something that looked like skin. Prepping it felt like cleaning a carcass. It was awful. I already don't eat meat off the bone, now I have vowed to NEVER COOK MEAT ON THE BONE AGAIN (and maybe not even meat). Drew said the meat was delicious, but I couldn't bring myself to try it.

THURSDAY - 2 hour snow delay despite NO NEW SNOW. Ridiculous. Somehow even with all that extra time I managed to get Liz to school late. Later in the day I pawned off half of the previous night's meat from the bone on the missionaries. Awesome.

FRIDAY - Finally a full school day, pilates, and time to get some housework done.

1 comment:

rachael said...

I'm jealous of the snow days!! I have vowed to keep out my snowman coffee cups until we get one flake of snow. Yes, that's right. We might be using those cups come this July because I don't see any snow days in our near future. We only had one snow day last year, let me rephrase that, we had one hour of snow...
