Wednesday, May 6, 2009

America's Next Top Model

As I left for the Family History Center tonight I jokingly told Andrew, "Don't watch America's Next Top Model without me." (Not surprisingly, he is NOT into that show.)

Liz overheard and got upset and said not to watch it WITHOUT her because she likes it.

Yes, I let her watch parts of two episodes with me and her favorite contestant is "the one with big eyes." Andrew was displeased.

So, as I was walking out the door this evening I could hear Drew explaining to Lizzie that even though she likes that the girls in the show are pretty and wear fancy clothes, she cannot watch it because it promotes "a distorted image of women" and so on. Sorry Drew.


M & J Bowerbank said...

That is not true. The girls in Americas next top model rock! I have leaned to not eat so I can stay skinny, and to be a back stabber. LOL. I love that show too!

Ali Snow said...

I love that show two. I was happy the old one got the boot, I didn't love her. I agree with Liz, I like the one with big eyes too because she's so different looking, although she is very awkward. (I never remember any of their names though).
