Thursday, September 17, 2009

Alaina turns 1!

Alaina's birthday was at the begining of the month (two weeks ago) and I'm finally recording it. Lizzie made cupcakes and decorated them with my parents (whilst Andrew and I slept in, ah lovely). We began our celebrations with chocolate chip cupcakes . . .
. . . And ended with cupcakes. Lainey liked it when we serenaded her. She also liked her cake, but didn't immdediately shove it in her mouth like I thought she would. Drew had to put frosting her mouth before she ate it on her own.
Yes, she still regularly rests her leg on her high chair tray. She also still sucks on her toes, crawls funny (drags one leg), shakes her head a lot (but nods too), babbles, uses a binki, pinches our neck skin, "talks" on the phone, cuddles, scoots around on her but, rotates on her butt, and yells very loudly. Too loudly.
Stats: 15% for weight and height (up from 7% height three months ago). She weights 18 lbs 10 oz. So tiny. And I thought Liz was small at 19 lb 5 oz at a year.
Likes: plastic bottles (in the tub she is more excited about holding shampoo bottles than bath toys), cheese, bread, people (espially the fam), "cruising," baths . . .
Dislikes: babysitting at the gym, sleeping through the night (we have started "crying it out"), cow milk. We are very frustrated with this last one as we are trying to wean her. This child will eat just about anything (last Tuesday I couldn't cut olives fast enough for her) but apparently she's crazy picky about liquid. This is just the opposite of Liz who would take any binki, bottle, or formula and immediately took to (and happily alternated between) cow and soy milk regardless of the temperature. Argh! We booked an anniversary trip for October so Alaina has to switch to cows milk.
I love to see her trying to put on shoes and brush her hair. So cute. I wish I could have her as a baby longer. She is growing so fast (well, not too fast since she is just now growing out of 9 mo clothing).


Sarah said...

I can't believe she's 1 already. Love the pictures of her eating her cupcake. Elsa is 16 months and hasn't hit the 20 pound mark yet...less to haul around I suppose.

Ryann said...

8 pounds? I hope you meant 1Either way she is adorable!nin

Ward Family said...

8 lbs...really? Everyone thinks Ezra is a lightweight. He is at least 20 lbs. They do grow up so fast. I can't believe a whole year is gone already!

Jill said...

Oops. I did mean 18 lbs which is still not too much to haul around.

Codi said...

I can't believe that she'll eat olives and not drink milk... too funny (and frustrating for you). She is adorable. I still can't believe how fast the last year went.

Wendi said...

love you little lainey-laines!!!

rachael said...

Happy Birthday Lainey! Time goes by too fast and they do grow up too fast, especially the second child.

And don't feel bad about the cow's milk. Riley hates milk, but he loves cheese and yogurt. His dr. says that as long as he's getting the calicum and fat that we shouldn't worry too much about him not drinking cow's milk.

Horsley5 said...

18 lbs? Hannah is only 21 and she turns 2 on the 28th!! Tiny little thing! Happy B-day little Lainey - she is sooo stinkin' cute!

Marcy said...

I think we're going to start trying Emma on cow's milk. We'll see how it goes. She's not big for her age, but she's definitely bigger than she was a year ago!

She's adorable!!!

Jessica said...

I love her!

DC Diva said...

Happy Birthday Alaina! She's such a big girl.

And, nice high chair! ;)
