Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Soldiers & Singing

This last weekend our Stake collected thank you notes and supplies to send to the soldiers overseas. Here's Lizzie's note: It's her as a soldier (don't all girls wear fancy skirts in combat?). The little dots are gunfire and the big circles are bombs.
Also this weekend Drew sang a duet at a ward fireside. He was filling in for someone so he didn't get the music till Friday night and only had two rehearsals. I thought he did a marvelous job and am so proud of him. When I married him I didn't know he had such a nice singing voice. It's kind of fun to learn new things about him through the years.


Whitney Black said...

Hey, I love your page! Whitney's Random Ideas

Julie said...

What a sweetheart! Will had a "wall of art" in Afghanistan of pictures like that. It's funny how kids imagine things. Jay would always draw men jumping from helicopters and tanks with bullets coming out...the skirt is my favorite...she knows what's important!

M & J Bowerbank said...

I love her drawing, it is totally what I would look like if I were to go to combat.

Ryann said...

Loved the skirt!

Wendi said...

I was taking pics for Heather Forsgren weaver who is writing an article for a military website and took a close up of Lizzie's pic so it will probably be in Heather's article. Lizzie will now be a published artist!! I didn't even know it was hers:)

rachael said...

I love Lizzie's picture. She makes combat look so pretty.
