Monday, August 22, 2011

Ellie Update

This is Ellie at 15 months: Ellie is still very cuddley, still pretty mellow and sweet.

She loves slides--at the water park, at the regular park--and almost always goes down on her own (though on her belly not her bum like in the picture). She also usually doesn't have someone at the bottom to catch her.
She loves Chuck E. Cheese (but then that's not too unique is it?).
Gabrielle loves sitting in chairs (stroller included). At the pool she actually spends much of her time chilling in the pool chairs or her stroller. In fact that is exactly what she did today at Great Waves waterpark. She likes to climb onto other things as well like couches, tables, Lainey's bed.I finally weaned her last month and we're all sleeping better at night as a result. I've also finally started allowing her to feed herself with spoons on occasion. Sometimes she uses a granola bar to dip in yogurt. It's a huge mess, but a necessary step I suppose.In this last month she has moved on from funny crawling to wobbley walking and we only bother with guard gates now to keep her away from things (not to keep her safe but because she's great on the stairs). The following pictures are of her distinctive crawl which I suppose we will never see again. She regularly crawled with her right wrist flipped inward so she could carry things.Ellie has two crooked bottom teeth. When the first one came in practically sideways, my friend said not to worry, her daughter had the same thing and when the second tooth came in, it straightened out the first tooth. That wasn't the case for Elle (Drew jokingly referred to her as a "snaggle tooth," poor baby). Yesterday I noticed that her top front teeth are coming in.She is into everything now, just everything. She pulls up the rug and messes with the rug pad and piles toys underneath it. She gets into the cabinets, she climbs onto the dining room chairs and table, she can open all our drawers. While I get ready in the morning she empties my makeup drawer. While the girls get dressed she tosses their folded clothing onto the floor.Another favorite food: oranges. Gabs still puts inappropriate things in her mouth (like, daily). I pulled the following pile of pom poms out of her mouth a couple months again. Today we had to leave the sand box because Ellie kept eating fistfulls of sand. Yes, sand. She got about three in and I knocked her hand away from her mouth at least ten times before I just gave up and took her away from the sandbox. Naturally she drank the pool water too.Gabrielle loves to lay flat, with her arms at her sides, at random times, on random floors (or chairs or tables) as if hugging/cuddling them. She used to crawl around and then suddenly lay flat for a bit and smile. Now that she's walking she still stops to cuddle the floor every now and then. She did it last Thursday at Cafe Rio (which seemed to concern people at nearby tables).I love that she still sleeps with her bum up in the air.She uses a few words of sign language and says a few actual words. Lately she seems to be trying to say belly button which is not surprising since she is in love with hers.Fav foods: cheese (still), yogurt, applesauce, and bread of course (she is my daughter after all). She's also really excited about drinking anything from a straw and has recently discovered the joys of lemonade and fruit punch.She likes to put on shoes (or attempt to) and necklaces and hair bows (again, attempt to).

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