Monday, October 17, 2011

Baptism Prep

Last spring my sister, Julie, embroidered Lizzie's name on a towel to use when she came out of the font (Jules also made one for Jordan). I did the towels way early. I did the new set of engraved scriptures way late, racing up to Maryland to buy them just days before Lizzie's baptism.I planned to make a cute sugar cookie bouquet for the post baptism refreshment table, but my attempts to make cookies in the shape of the number eight where unsuccessful (as in they were crazy uneven and almost all fell apart on the skewers). The girls enjoyed eating the cookie rejects from my trial run. Andrew said they didn't taste like sugar cookies at all because they had too much flour. What ev. When it came down to it I did simple foods: bottled water, piggies in the blanket from Costco, and tasty chicken salad sandwiches on croissants (made by Drew). I had initially planned on doing more details and decorations for Lizzie's post baptism get-together like cupcake toppers, ribbon topiaries, and decorated water bottles. In the end it was probably better than I didn't get around to doing those things because as soon as we headed to our scheduled refreshment room, some guy from another ward came and booted us, saying he had scheduled it before us and needed to set up for his post baptism luncheon. Not cool, but we rolled with punches and quickly moved to the cultural hall.I did get around to making a giant photographic eight for Liz. I thought it was pretty cool, but wasn't sure what she thought of it until Ellie tried to take one of the pictures off the wall. Lizzie got upset and told Gabrielle to leave them alone because I needed to save them so I could make a nine for her next year (something I hadn't planned on doing until she mentioned it).

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