Sunday, February 19, 2012

Days 1 & 2

Andrew left on his annual ski trip yesterday and I think we're doing okay on the home front so far.

Day 1: We went the the annual Discover Engineering Family Day at the National Building Museum.  It was our third year going and we still love it (well, the girls and I do, Drew doesn't like the crowds). 
 At one station we built truss bridges with gum drops and tooth picks. 
Liz had no problems with the task but poor Lainey struggled so I told her to make shapes and she happily set to work making squares and triangles. 
Ellie, spent most of her time trying to eat gumdrops from discarded bridges--gross, I know.  She actually spit most of them out, but I'm not sure that makes things any better (she's a bit of a spitter right now).   She also worked on skewering gumdrops on toothpicks and was pretty proud of her accomplishments.

As in past years I waited in the crazy long popcorn line while the kids visited nearby booths (just Liz and Lainey).  I was very pleased with how well Liz look care of Alaina while they were away from me.  She's a fabulous big sister which is a comfort.  Before we left for the museum Lainey and Ellie were whining and crying and clinging to my legs while I tried to get things ready (and of course Ellie was hitting and trying to shove Lainey away from me).  At one point I completely lost control and yelled "Be quiet!  Everyone just be quiet!"  It totally scared Ellie and she took off running--right into Lizzie arms.  I felt totally guilty for acting like that, but I was also grateful that Ellie knew she could turn to her big sis for comfort.  Thanks goodness they have each other for the times I mess up.
They were supposed to catch popcorn in their nets--no problem for Liz, Alaina managed it with assistance, and Ellie just scooped up handfuls and dropped them into her net (and then into her mouth which was a problem).
After we finished up inside we played on an outdoor sculpture until our meter was up, then went home to ride bikes and await the arrival of Lizzie's playdate.  In all, a good day.
 Day 2: Leisurely morning, big brunch, kids played in the basement, Liz practiced piano with no prompting, I actually got to read a bit (essays on The Old Man and Sea), we pretty much got to church on time and I even managed to curl my hair.
 After church I fed the girls chicken salad sandwiches and they acted like it was the worst thing ever (I really miss Drew at mealtimes).  It didn't help that I announced some of the other delicious things they could expect to eat this week: meatloaf, bean soup, fish. Then, more playtime, more piano, Alaina and I made pirate faces (and said "Argh!  Ahoy Matey!" at her request), and then, happily, it was bedtime.

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