Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

We had a nice Valentines Day.  As usual I did most of my preparation last minute, but I think things came together well enough.
Alaina handed out cards at Joy School.  We decided to go with a style I'd seen floating around Pinterest (just wished I removed my chipped nail polish before this picture--ugh).
At first Liz didn't want to hand out Valentines because she didn't want to give them to any boys (because she didn't want the boys to think she liked them).  Actually, first she asked if she could give a card to everyone and then give one extra card to someone anonymously (to a boy obviously).  I said sure.  She thought about it for a second and then said she still didn't want to hand out cards.  Around 7 p.m. the night before she changed her mind.  I printed out some very gender neutral, innocuous cards for her to color before I raced out for a pre-scheduled girls night.  I bought her candy on the way home and sometime around midnight I sat and stapled mini candy bars to her cards.
I decided to put up some heart decor.  I did this heart of pictures after seeing this on pinterest.  I used photos I already had on hand, most of which were left over from my scrapbooking days (meaning most of the pictures were of Lizzie).
 I also put up a little over 100 paper hearts in the older girls room (a "heart attack").  Cutting them out the day before was no problem.  I just did a chore, then cut 10 hearts, then did another chore, then cut 10 hearts.  No biggie.  Hanging them up sometime around midnight, however, wasn't so fun.  Still, the girlies loved them (as evidenced by the tears Lizzie shed when Ellie removed/ripped a heart).

 I've been wanting Valentine chairbackers since I saw them at Pottery Barn kids years ago.  Last year my mom and my sister-in-law Carrie both made us a set for the kids.  Since we have extra Andrew and I get to use them as well.  So fun.  My intention  was so put notes in every day for the week leading up to V'day, but I only got around to doing it for the actual holiday.  The girls enjoyed waking up to some love notes from Drew and I and, of course, some candy.
I had envisioned serving my family heart-shaped foods throughout the day, but I only got around to making heart-shaped peanut butter cookies for an after-school treat (way after for Liz since she had pottery class, then piano before she could go home).
At lunchtime Andrew surprised the girls and I with roses and chocolates (all I got him was gum).

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