Thursday, April 3, 2008

Night Out

No critiques on the form allowed. This is me swinging the sticks without any instruction. Surprisingly enough, Jill actually wanted to participate in this athletic activity - that's kind of a rare event for her. Of course, she loves yoga and pilates, but when it comes to more traditional sports, Jill loses interest pretty quickly.

On our night out last Saturday, we went with some friends (Terry and Ryann Murphy) to a local driving range. For those not local to the area, it isn't just your average driving range - the balls have RFID chips inside. Each ball is assigned to separate players, and you score points depending on where you hit it on the range.

For me, it is a great way to improve my swing and cut down the handicap while eating burgers and fries. For Jill, it is a nice time to visit with friends and have some fun trying something kind of new. A nice compromise for both of us.

Am I the only guy whose wife makes him turn his hat around for pictures? Argh - I hate that. She tells me that, "if you don't turn your hat around, then it shades yours eyes." Uh, yeah - that's the point.
So we had a great time at the driving range, had fun with good friends, and ate good, greasy food. Can't get much better than that.

1 comment:

Ryann said...

It was so fun! I don't make Terry turn it backwards but every time, he takes it off. So yeah, I agree-we want to see your face!
