Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Pecking Order

We overslept this morning. Andrew woke me at 7:30 saying, "Jill, get up please. We have to go. I have an important meeting at 8." I threw some clothes for Lizzie in a bag, put Alaina in her car seat, and we carried the girls out to the car in their pajamas. Lizzie and Lainey alternatively cried during the drive in because they were hungry. We got Drew there just in the nick of time.

I left DC at about the same time I need to leave my apartment to get Liz to school on time. During the drive I unsuccessfully tried to talk her into changing her clothing while still strapped into her booster. I stopped to get breakfast for Lizzie at McDonald's. We left the drive-through just as school was starting. I dressed Liz in the school parking lot, dry brushed her teeth, and raced her into the building 15 minutes tardy. The next stop was the cafeteria to put money in Lizzie's account so she can buy lunch (a first for her).

Since Alaina had been crying almost non-stop since we arrived at the school, as soon as I got back to the car I diapered and fed my near-hysterical baby.

Next stop, gas station (the gas light came on shortly before I dropped off Liz).

Then finally I was able to go home, and joy of all joys, brush my teeth and change out of my pajamas. So, here's the breakdown:

Breadwinner trumps Kindergartner
Kindergartner trumps Baby
Baby trumps Mother


DC Diva said...

You know what they say: "lose 5 minutes in the morning and you'll spend all day looking for it." Sorry for the rough morning! We're looking forward to Saturday.

M & J Bowerbank said...

Interesting morning, at least he made it to the meeting on time.

Candice said...

I love it! So true! Somewhere in all of that mom trumps something. Or maybe it's coming in our futures?

Ryann said...

HIlarious! I am super impressed that you brushed Liz's teeth before school. I still don't remember to brush the kids teeth in the morning...

Wendi said...

Hope tomorrow is better, Jill!! I hoep Lizzie can adjust soon, but unfortunately it always took my kiddos a week:)

Kirsten said...

I'm singing:
Mama said there'll be days like this, there'll be days like this my mama said.

We had one of these days last week, minus the pajamas and two kids. It's not fun, is it?
