Thursday, January 29, 2009

Alaina, almost five months

I took Alaina to the doctor Tuesday morning when she was about a week shy of 5 months. She weighs 13 pounds, five ounces. She's a little smaller than Lizzie was, usually 30% while Liz was typically 50%.
As Alaina gets older we are noticing other differences between the girls. Lainey is not as attached to her pacifier as Lizzie was, but she is pickier about them. Laina will only use one brand (we had a dozen different ones left over from Liz) and sometimes she is still fussy about bottles whereas Liz would take any pacifier, any bottle, any formula from any person.
Lizzie used to smile and laugh when she sneezed. Lainey looks confused or concerned when she sneezes.
Alaina squeals a lot while at this age, Liz blew a lot of raspberries.
Also, Alaina falls asleep easier than Liz did (we don't have to rock her and constantly reinsert her paci), but she does not transfer as well as Liz and she doesn't really sleep on the go as much. So far Lainey only takes decent naps if she is home, but that's not too bad because she's a pretty mellow baby. I don't remember Lizzie being so calm and content just by herself.

I really like to see more and more of Alaina's personality emerge and learn what things are unique to her and/or her sister and not just general baby things. I wonder how much she'll be like Liz in appearance and personality. Will she mispronounce the same words saying chicken instead of kitchen or choo choo for tu tu? Will she gravitate more to animals like Liz or will it be dolls for Lainey? What things will emerge as being Barnes or Nielson? Will we always call farts, poo poo pops (Lizzie's term, not ours) much like in my family hugs were loves ("Mommy, Papa calls hugs Loves! That's funny!"), tuna casserole was Noodles Neptune, and soy sauce was bug juice (probably the reason I wouldn't try it as a child) and so on. It's all so fun and exciting.


Julie Broadbent said...

Bug Juice! I forgot about that one!

I wonder how much of those things are oldest child vs younger child stuff too. A lot of the difference you mention are the same ones I see between Trey and Smith. More mellow, doesn't sleep on the go, picky paci, and such. Weird.

Jill said...

I thought second children would sleep on the go more than the older kid because the younger ones are carted around to the older kids stuff so much.
