Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sick Baby and Such

Alaina has been a little sick this week with an eye infection (see sore eyes below) and ongoing diarrhea. Yuck. I have spent most of my week coaxing rice cereal and Pedialyte down her throat, doing laundry, and slathering eye cream and Destitin on her.Usually we have looked like this, though through necessity Lainey's pajamas/outfits change more frequently than mine do.Alaina didn't mind the eye ointment which surprised me (because I think I would mind it). She did, however, mind the Pedialyte and usually refused to drink it:
I wasn't planning to start solids for another month. Last week I actually thought about how I only had four more weeks of bliss before I had to begin the drudgery of spoon feeding. But the doctor told me to start rice cereal right away (to combat the diarrhea). This is how Liz reacted to her first few bites of rice cereal:Lots of gagging and turning her head away. I expected the same from Alaina, but was pleasantly surprised. She happily accepted the food, though I had to let her "nurse the spoon" (she still has that reflexive tongue thrust).
The feeding took over an hour not including clean up (I forgot how long it can take, I also forgot the bib) so we took breaks to play:
And after eating we needed a bath--both of us though naturally only Alaina is featured here:
Also, this week Alaina officially hit her five month mark. Where has the time gone?As the week ends Lainey seems to be getting better. Just in time too. Andrew leaves for a ski trip to Utah early Saturday morning (by early I mean we have to leave the house at 3 a.m.). This next week I will probably have cold cereal for multiple dinners, post lots of pictures of the girls, reorganize something, and replace Andrew's DVRed shows with my own.


Lisa said...

Poor baby! She is so adorable. I hope she gets better soon!

Wendi said...

Would Lizzie sleep over with us Friday so you don't have to drag her out so early? Jordan would love it. Lainey is much more portable....and she is getting cuter and cuter each day!! Glad she is feeling better.

Julie Broadbent said...

Poor kid. Sick baby is not fun for anyone. Good luck.

That picture of Liz as a baby reminds me of Smith right now (minus the hair) must be the Barnes genes.

Codi said...

She still looks so teeny! I hate spoon feeding! Mainly because it does take forever and it usually need to be followed by a bath. Hope she is feeling better.

Jessica said...

You are such a good mom! Hang in there. That last shot of Alaina is gorgeous.
