Thursday, September 16, 2010

2 years old

Alaina had her two-year check-up this week. The stats:

Height: 31 3/4", 10%

Weight: 26 lbs, 30%Common phrases: "Where my daddy/binki/Lizzie," "Nook! I did it!" "I want daddy" "I want waugger (water=any drink)," "my jammies (jammies=clothing)".
Likes: her green minky blanket (sleeps with it nightly), her binki (we've totally regressed on this and she wants it all the time), her red house slippers (pictured above, she wears them everywhere), fancy dress-up skirts, brushing her hair, dancing, skeleton pajamas, copying her sister, and rocks and leaves (always collecting them when we walk outside).
Dislikes: reading time (she still isn't excited about us reading to her), having her teeth brushed (totally hates this), me singing in the van (she yells "quiet mama!" when I sing along to the radio), and being quiet (though she whispered to me for maybe the first time this week).
Hair situation: She has a rats nest in back pretty much all the time. I'm not sure what to do with it. Andrew wants to trim it, thinking it's caused, or at least exacerbated by split ends. I kind of want to wait it out, thinking longer hair won't do it.
Transisitions: We just turned Lainey's carseat to forward facing last month. She was pretty excited. Also, we are trying to transition Alaina to a big-kid bed (her "bottom bunk" is a mattress on the ground). Some nights go better than others and she often ends up back in the pack-n-play because she won't stay put. Two nights ago I found her sleeping in middle of the bedroom floor. I left her there and by morning she had pretty much made it back to her bed (half on, half off).
In other news: Gabrielle rolled over for the first time today.

1 comment:

Dan and Sharon said...

time to go buy the de tangle spray. That is what Taryn's hair did for years. I had to spray her hair twice a day some times.
