Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gabrielle's Blessing Day - 9/19

We blessed Gabrielle exactly one week shy of her four month mark.Ellie wore the same silk dress that her older sisters wore for their blessings. I'm hoping someday a granddaughter will wear it as well.
Lizzie slept through her blessing, Alaina smiled through hers. Gabrielle fussed--so much so that Drew had to pause for her. She finally fell asleep at about his last sentence.
My brother, Scott, and his family graciously came to town for the event. Living so far from our families we have felt pretty fortunate to have had family members at all of our children's blessings.
During the blessing I worried for a moment that I would have to slip out with Alaina. She got upset when Andrew left our bench and at one point she even wandered around the outside of the circle looking for him.
I really wanted to get a picture of the cousins together especially since we had inadvertantly dressed the girls as if for a planned picture, what with Codi's girls in red and mine in white.
It was a lot harder to get a shot than I thought it would be.
This was the only sho with Alaina in it. Obviously we didn't get organized enough to toss Gabby in there.
This would have been the best shot if some random guy hadn't opened the door at the exact wrong moment. Argh.After Sacrement meeting I switched Gabrielle into her white dress, a.k.a. her backup blessing dress (I didn't know if main dress would fit since I didn't get around to trying it on her until a few minutes before the meeting started).
We finally got some smile shots.

In other news: Lizzie gave a talk in Primary that same day and did a fabulous job. She got up and read it all by herself on her first try which was a huge improvement from the previous talk that took three attempts over to Sundays to deliver.


Julie Broadbent said...

Looks like a very nice day. I wish I was there.

The pictures of the girls are really cute.

Chanda said...

Gabrielle's hair! Love it.

Sarah said...

Jill...you look beautiful. Love these pictures.

AW said...

So cute! So is Gabrielle's nickname Gabby or Ellie or both:)

Carrie said...

Gabrielle is so sweet. I wish we could have been there for her blessing. I'm glad you at least had your brother and his family.
