Sunday, September 12, 2010

Busy weekend

This weekend was busy, but fun.

Friday night - bowling birthday party for our friend, Rich. So fun. His theme cake was from Occasionally Cake and it was awesome. I totally want one now. I also want to go bowling again soon.

Saturday - Drew's only Saturday at home until Thanksgiving weekend (thank you ski patrol). I envisioned a leisurely morning and a family outing. No dice. We were super busy, but it was all good stuff.

By 9 a.m., I was dropping Lizzie off a playdate, so I could go to my friend's stake swap (Ellie in tow) to pick up some much-needed kitchen stuff (ours is intermixed with bedding and clothing and whatnot in unmarked boxes at our storage unit). I totally stocked up then raced to the mall to get a gift for a baby shower that was starting an hour later.

Meanwhile Drew (and Alaina) picked up a much-needed futon we found on craigslist. I met him back at the apartment to unload my loot and help him carry the futon up two flights of stairs. Ugh.

Then I race off to the baby shower with Gabby while he took the older girls to the Kennedy Center for the Open House Arts Festival. After the shower I raced downtown to the Kennedy Center as well, where I swapped places with Drew curbside so he could meet the birthday boy from the previous night for an evening golf game and I could finish off the festival with the girlies.

Fun day, but totally wore me out. Same with today though we only left the house for church.

Sunday - Drew had ski patrol training all day which meant he left before any of us woke up and returned after the girls were in bed. I had grand plans of going to park after we cleaned the apartment, but, in the end, cleaning (and bathing) pretty much consumed the whole morning.

Here's a sample of the day:
I put Laina in the bath. She plays, then she poops.
I move her to the other bathtub (a new luxury for us) and bathe her again.
I let her play bare-bummed while I sanitize the poopy tub because she has a nasty diaper rash.
She poos on the carpet! Argh!

Other moments: Liz and Laines fought over a floppy hat, Lainey asked "where my daddy?" like a broken record, the girls all wore white sundresses to church (post Labor Day, I know) because we hadn't had a chance to wear them all summer, Laina tried to remove her white dress during Sacrament meeting, I ate half a package of cookie dough, and Alaina rubbed a handful of lotion into my recently-washed hair while I was distracted on the phone. Again, argh!

1 comment:

Ryann said...

Sometimes I wonder where you get the energy! You are super woman!
