Thursday, March 26, 2009

No Roll

I'm so sad about the White House Easter Egg Roll.

I was totally looking forward to it.

Starting at midnight I periodically checked the website throughout the day--1 a.m., 2 a.m., 6 a.m., 10, 2, 4--but, to no avail.

I'm pretty frustrated about the new ticket distribution system.

Instead of a fun night gabbing and camping out with girlfriends, I had a frustrating day in front of the computer.

I really hope things are done differently in 2010.


Ryann said...

That is really disappointing! And even though it was freezing, it was fun to camp out!

Lea said...

I hope that it is different next year as well! I feel that so much of my day yesterday was lost.

AW said...

No luck for us either! So lame!

Wendi said...

I sure hope we can camp out next year!!!! The should realize that the new system was not ideal!!
