Sunday, December 11, 2011

Holiday Traditions

LAST WEEKEND instead of unwrapping our usual holiday book, the girls unwrapped their very own ELF ON THE SHELF.  I think it's a cute tradition, Andrew thinks it's creepy, and we both agree that the elf could look better.  Still, Lizzie was so excited.  She'd heard about the elf from friends last year and was so excited to have one of her very own.  She named it Noonie (probably inspired by her cousin's toy, Mooney).  As far as the creep factor goes, Liz refused to use the toilet in her bathroom when the elf was stationed there.  When I asked her what the big deal was she was like, "Mom, he's a boy."
Andrew seemed a little surprised when he realized that we had to move that darn thing every night for a whole month.  I thought he was being silly, but we've only had it one week and I've forgotten to move it three times already.  Twice I was able to correct my mistake before Liz realized it, but the other time I remembered when she came in our room and sadly announced that Noonie was in the same spot as yesterday.  Argh!  I told her it was probably because mommy and daddy stayed up too late so he wasn't able to sneak out.  Thankfully, it seemed entirely plausible to her.
We've pulled out HOLIDAY GARB from years past (yes, Lizzie's clothes from last year still fit her tiny frame).  For this shot poor Ellie was a little tired (and Lainey was too ornery to cooperate).  I should have taken the pix right before church instead of right before nap time.

We have a couple HOLIDAY CRAFTS on the agenda.  Liz made these mini trees out of spray painted pinecones. On a neighbor's tip I baked them in the oven for a bit before painting so we could kill any lurking bugs.  Still to come: a nativity made with printed coloring pages and toilet paper rolls.
We FINISHED WITH THE DECOR,finally. This year I decided to start phasing out breakables.  I've already broken one of the glass balls (because I was fussily rearranging things) and today Alaina decapitated an angel from one of our nativity sets (a clay one I thought I had put safely out of reach).
This year I added framed photos to the tree (of past Christmases).  I plan to add one each year which will work perfectly because, while I want my tree to look nice, I also want it to mean something to the family.

THIS WEEKEND we've knocked out a few holiday favorites: the free nutcracker (well, scenes of it anyway) at the National Theater, the ward party (where we saw Santa and a nativity play), and the Christmas on the Potomac fireside (Drew took the older girls, I volunteered for Ellie duty).

I thought for sure one of our kids would cry when they met Santa, but everything went smoothly.  Alaina was happily serene (not screaming and crying like last year). 
 Ellie didn't seem to mind Santa at all.  It may have helped that she saw Lainey go first (and if Lainey is getting attention then Gabrielle usually wants a piece of the action too).
Liz didn't want to visit Santa (I suppose since she knows he isn't the real one), but I made her pose for a pic with her sisters anyway.
 Of course Santa handed out candy canes.  I don't like 'em.  Too messy.
 The rest of the party was nice.  Good food.  It was a taco bar and even more surprisingly for us, it was really, really tasty.  We went for seconds even though we had already had similar food at Cafe Rio earlier in the day.
 For some reason whenever Ellie realized I was about to take a picture of her, she would crouch down.  Her version of posing perhaps?
 Lizzie enjoyed the craft table and running around with a gang of girls.  Lainey was a little clingy and wanted to be held a lot.  Ellie spent her time running and crawling around and under the tables (but at least she didn't crawl on top of them).
 When Gabrielle was on Drew's shoulders she seemed to be chanting, "mine, mine, mine" while she patted and hugged his face.
 I was so, so glad that our ward did a nativity play/skit.   Just as we hoped it was completely adorable and a little hilarious too.  One of my favorite moments was during practice when the director told the lambs they could each baa once, and only once, for the entire play.  I also thought it was pretty funny when the primary prez had to sneak on stage and break up a little lamb fight.
Lizzie chose to be an angel (the kids got to choose, so nice).
 Whenever Ellie saw Liz lingering off stage or performing on stage she would get excited and point. 
STILL ON THE AGENDA FOR THIS SEASON: national tree, temple lights, botanical gardens, letters to Santa, paint holiday nails, campout under the Christmas tree  .  .  .  

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