Saturday, December 24, 2011


A couple weeks ago I enjoyed a day off at Longwood Gardens.
I went with my good friend, Jessica.
I was so fun to wander all around the festive grounds with Jess because she knows a lot more about plants than I do and she helped me appreciate them more.  I didn't even know what paper whites were, but now I'm totally going to grow some next Christmas.
I was amazed by all the details.  Every room in the conservatory had holiday details.

There were Christmas trees galore inside.
I especially liked the one composed of cacti and silver plants  .  .  . 
The parsley tree (parsley!!!)  .  .  . 
and the giant herbal wreath (so fragrant).

The decor continued outside.  My favs were the natural decor tree (loved the dried oranges because it reminded me of a tree my mom did when I was a little kid) .  .  . 
the giant gourd tree  .  .  .  
The pinecone tree (in one of the tree houses--they were all decorated).
And since I was kid-free that day I was able to explore parts of the grounds that I never been to such as this back field.  Lovely, just lovely.
I loved the green grass path cutting through a big brown field.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Longwood with you was such a pleasure! It was fun to explore at our leisure and I could not imagine a more festive or perfect time of year for such a luxurious day. I loved seeing your point of view in all of these beautiful photos!
