Tuesday, September 30, 2008

5 year checkup

Lizzie had her five year check up before school this morning. 7:20 a.m. I'm amazed we made it there on time. I brought Liz in her pajamas, fed her breakfast in the car, and had her brush her teeth and dress at the doc's office. The appointment went pretty well:

High: Lizzie's eyes are just fine (Drew was concerned that she'd need glasses like he did in elementary school).

Low: Having to tell the doctor that Lizzie doesn't eat any fruits and vegetables (other than the ones I am able to hide in desirable foods, which isn't much). Dealing with Lizzie's food preferences is so frustrating! I feel like a failure nearly every time we sit down to dinner.

High: The doctor was impressed with Lizzie's drawing ability and complaint behavior during the examination. A couple years ago Liz would freak out when the people examined her ears. Today she sat patiently (and even giggled) while both the doc, and someone in training, gently poked and prodded her.

Low: The flu shot. The freak out. I tried to hold Liz down, but she was way too strong for me--even with the assistance of nurses. In the end, a nurse invited me to step aside and three of them managed to hold Lizzie still enough for the shot. She was screaming, "I want my daddy!" Yeah, me too. Next year I think I'll send him with Liz for the shots. Of course when I called Andrew to tell him about my experience, he suggested that we consider foregoing some future flu shots so that we do not traumatize Elizabeth. Hmm. We'll see.

Completely unrelated: I stumbled across this following video while I organized photos today. Totally cracks me up.


Codi said...

Iris thought that the video was pretty funny too. Seriously about the food, my kids eat their fruit and veggies, but the amount of candy their dad sneaks to them... I think that it completely cancels out the good food. So what do you do? Lizzie is growing and happy, and that is what matters most.

Ryann said...

Loved the video-was cracking us up! The other night we watched a program about extreme eaters. There was this guy who ate nothing but cheddar cheese and potato chips. Had NEVER eaten anything else his entire life and the guy was 29 years old. Could you imagine never getting any other food in your kid basically from birth? So long story short-I think LIz is doing well!

Carrie said...

Collette got the lazy eye that Andrew has but its not so bad for her. They make glasses that are tempered now so they're not so thick and the eyes look closer to the same size. Sorry about the flu shot with Lizzie. I had to take Seth to get a booster for one of his immunizations recently and I didn't tell him what was going on until he had to take off his pants. He still cried. But flu shots are really important for young children so don't give up.

Ali Snow said...

I liked Andrew's reaction to "maybe we should have a special word for when that happens". Of course he came up with such a pratical solution.
