Thursday, September 4, 2008

Welcoming Alaina Marie Nielson!!

OK, so here's the baby story:

Jill woke up on Wednesday morning at about 6:45 a.m. and realized that her water had broken. She called the advice nurse before waking me up, but it didn't take us long after that to get Lizzie packed, finish packing our own bag and get into the car. We dropped Lizzie off at Wendy's house (her daughter, Jordan, and Lizzie are in the same kindergarten class this year) and headed to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, the nurse from Jill's OB/GYN clinic suggested we turn around and get checked out at the clinic in Springfield, just to be sure Jill's water had actually broken. We respectfully declined the suggestion and kept heading to the hospital.

Once at the hospital, we spent a significant amount of time in the Labor and Delivery Triage area before they had a room ready for us. Unfortunately, that also meant that Jill couldn't get the epidural started until then either. Even once we got to the labor and delivery room, it took some time, and Jill had a very uncomfortable couple of hours. Thankfully Jill finally got the epidural, and things were mostly smooth sailing after that. Below is a video of Jill, post-epidural.

Once Jill was feeling a little more comfortable, we both were able to take a couple brief cat naps, and I sent a couple text updates to some family members. Since Jill had taken one of her anti-contraction pills the night before, we thought there was a chance that they might need to give her pitocin to stimulate contractions. Fortunately no pitocin was necessary; Jill's contractions continued to increase in strength and frequency, and labor progressed naturally. At about 3 p.m., the doctor had Jill start pushing, and at 3:18 Alaina Marie Nielson was born.

We did have a bit of a scary moment, unfortunately - the cord was wrapped around Alaina's neck, and apparently fairly tightly. Fortunately, the doctor was able to slip the cord over Alaina's head, and she didn't seem to have gone without blood or oxygen. She did have to be stimulated fairly vigorously before she really responded, but she started breathing, and Jill and I started breathing again too.

Since Alaina is technically premature (at 36 weeks and 5 days) the hospital had NICU nurses attend in order to assess the baby's health. Thankfully, they were quickly able to determine that Alaina was well developed and healthy, and there was no need for her to take a trip to the NICU. The nurses finished up all the measuring and testing, and soon enough, we were able to hold and kiss our new baby.

Here are a few pictures of the new baby:

I spent the night at the hospital last night with Jill while Lizzie stayed the night at Wendy's (thanks again Wendy!). By the time evening rolled around, we were all pretty tired. We tried to get some sleep with the baby in the room, but Jill's paranoia wouldn't allow her to sleep for more than a minute or two without checking to make sure that Alaina was still breathing. So we had the nurses take Alaina to the nursery where we could be sure that she would have the constant attention of one of the nurses.

Jill was able to begin breastfeeding soon after Alaina was born, and she continued every few hours through the night. Of course, Alaina is so sleepy that she has tended to fall asleep soon after she begins nursing. So far, that has been the routine - a little bit of nursing, and a lot of sleeping for Alaina.

I left Jill and Alaina mid morning today to get a few things ready at home. That took me a little longer that I thought it would, so I didn't get back to them until this evening when I brought Lizzie to see her new baby sister. Liz was very excited to see Alaina. I think it might have helped that we bought her a new Ponyville set (a la My Little Pony) as a new big sister gift, but I think she still would have been excited. I absolutely loved seeing my three girls together tonight. What a beautiful sight!


Julie Broadbent said...

So cute! She looks like Lizzie did, only with more hair. :) Congratulations!

rachael said...

Alaina Marie, I love it!!! So beautiful!!! I'm glad that you took your time giving her a name because it's perfect!!!
Jill you look awesome!!! Great Job!!

Katie @SwimBikeQuilt said...

I'm in love. :) She's beautiful. Congrats! Can't wait to meet her.

Ryann said...

I'm crying as I read this. Alaina Marie is beautiful. I'm so happy for you all!

Chanda said...

I'm crying too. So happy for you guys. :)

Rebecca said...

I am so happy for you guys! How wonderful!!! I can't believe they wanted you to stop by the OB/GYN to make sure your water had really broken though - what is up with that!?!? Congratulations! I have a cold right now, but once it passes, I want to come and see that baby!

Andrea said...

congratulations jill! what a beautiful little baby girl, i am so happy for you!!

Janelle said...

Jill and Andrew, Congratulations!
I found your blog on Rebecca's a few months ago and having been checking in on how things were going with you over the past couple of months. I know it's been about five years since we've seen each other but I wanted to tell you congratulations on this new little addition.
(P.S. - I'm the Janelle that you, Jill, were in the Primary Presidency with)

Wendi said...

Love the pic of Lizzie kissing her sister!!! Wish I could have seen her with the baby for the first time...we'll see them together soon enough")

K said...

Jill, you look fabulous! And Alaina is beautiful! We can't wait to meet her. Congrats to you, Andrew, and Lizzie.

Alissa said...

Drew, you're making me cry! And Jill, you look so beautiful in these pictures. Matt and I are so, so happy for your little family.

Ward Family said...

Congratulations! Jill, you look fabulous! Baby Alaina is so sweet. Take care of you!

Brooke said...

We seriously couldn't be more thrilled for you guys. She's gorgeous and so perfect. I love her name too, it's beautiful!

Natalie C. said...

Jill, Congratulations! That is just very joyful news. You guys are such a beautiful family.

Sarah said...

Congrats you guys. I'm so happy for you. I'm really glad that things worked out so well.

Sarah said...

I was so excited last week when I read this post about your beautiful new girl, and I completely forgot to comment. Congratulations! We are so excited for you and it seems like you are doing well and Liz is loving her job as a big sister. I would love to stop by and see you when you get a little more settled.
