Sunday, September 21, 2008

This Week's Highs and Lows

-- Attending Enrichment and winning/earning a yummy dinner.
-- Visits from and to several friends.
-- Pedicure.
-- Lizzie's positive response to both soccer and dance classes.
-- Lizzie finally allowing me to try a new hairstyle on her.
-- Hanging out with my little family.
-- Lizzie cooing at and cuddling with Lainey.
-- Naps.
-- Cuddling Alaina.
-- Better scale reading this week than last.
-- Lizzie saying special prayers that Drew and I will feel better and that Lainey will be safe.

-- Arriving at Enrichment and realizing that I drove there without securing Lainey's carseat!
-- Drew and I getting a nasty colds.
-- Lainey getting sick too.
-- Andrew running over a little squirrel.
-- Having visiting friends see my messy house.
-- End of paternity leave/Andrew's return to work.
-- Hearing Lizzie remind Alaina to breathe and knowing she learned that from me.
Lizzie and I played hairdresser this afternoon (the only way she would let me experiment with her hair). Afterwards Lizzie wanted to take pictures with our sunglasses and fancy purses. She was really into "posing."
Throughout the afternoon Liz asked me to add more and more hair ties and clips to her braids. She kept saying, "I look like Fancy Nancy."


Unknown said...

If it makes you feel better, Lisa and I have forgotten to fasten Logan properly a few times and our house is pretty messy (my fault, not Lisa's).

Lea said...

I love that she let you do her hair by playing hairdresser. I'll have to try that with Ali.

I loved, loved getting together with you this past week. Let's do lunch again soon.

M & J Bowerbank said...

Looks like you and Lizzy were having a blast! I heard through the grapevine that soon after I recover I will be making you a yummy mexican dinner! I cant wait, it makes me excited!

Ryann said...

Love the attitude pictures! So sassy! Hope you're feeling better!

Rebecca said...

Dude - we ran over a squirrel on the way to church yesterday. To make matters worse - Max's lesson was on loving animals... Oh well!

Ali Snow said...

I LOVE the Fancy Nancy books. I'm so happy Lizzie knows about them. I read them to my kids every year nad we sort "fancy" and "not fancy" things. This year, we had a mom come in and dress up like Fancy Nancy while we read the books.
