Monday, September 8, 2008

We made it out of the house today . . .

It's kind of funny that we did the most today after our most sleep deprivation (so far). Alaina is still not sleeping at night unless we hold her. Last night I tried to get her sleep in her bed. I gave up at 3 a.m. and handed her off to Drew. It would have been nice to just take turns napping today, but Lainey had a doctor's appointment and Lizzie had an early dismissal from school, so while we were out we went ahead and ran a few errands. We even went out to lunch and ordered enough food to cover us for dinner. Yum. It was nice get stuff done and even nicer to nap when we got home in the afternoon.
The following is a little bit of Alaina's first sponge bath at home. Lizzie was really excited about helping out, but when it came down to it she didn't want to actually get too close to the baby while she was naked because of the "gross" umbilical cord. Instead she opted to film things. I'm hoping the camera wasn't too shakey.


Dan and Sharon said...

You might want to try putting her to sleep in her car seat. My two sister in laws did this for the first three months. It was the only way the could get the baby to sleep not on them. Hope each night gets a little better.

rachael said...

She has the most beautiful lips!! Look at the natural color of them, I want them!

I'm glad to hear that you got out of the house. Getting out always made me feel human again. Keep the updates coming. I love seeing Alaina with her sister!
