Sunday, July 6, 2008

I've been tagged

Lea tagged me awhile ago and I'm finally getting around to responding.

How To Play This Game of Tag: List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 facts about yourself. Tag people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. My little family. I love being Lizzie's mom. I like to see her learn and grow. Lately I have enjoyed her spontaneous expressions of affection and have even been amused by her constant drama. In addition I like to see how she and Andrew dote on each other. Of course I also love being married to Drew. Years ago my brother asked me how I knew Andrew was "the one." I told him that Drew was the first guy I didn't get bored of after two months. Maybe it doesn't sound terribly romantic, but that's just how it is with me. I really enjoy being with him and look forward to many more years together.
2. Organizing and purging things from my home (or the homes of others--thanks for indulging me Mom), and checking things off my to-do list (I'm an obsessive list maker--problem is I sometimes lose the precious lists).
3. Traveling and doing touristy things in the area (and checking them off my travel "to do" list).

1. That this baby will die.
2. That something will happen to Drew or Liz. I worry about their safety. I also worry about the unpleasant things Liz may encounter in life (it's a scary world for girls and women). Currently I'm a little nervous about sending her to public school. It's so big and she's so small.
3. Physical pain.

1. Travel. I want to experience each of the 50 states (experience, not just drive through) and I have 29 to go. I also want to go each of the continents (2 left) and visit 20 countries (5 left). Somehow I think it will be easier for me to get my 20 countries, than my 50 states.
2. Develop healthy eating and exercise habits (and LOSE BABY WEIGHT).
3. Continually work on my genealogy and write my life story.

1. Record keeping (Costco photo books, blogging, genealogy)
2. Baby planning (names lists, things to maybe buy, and announcement selection). Andrew has been participating in some of this, but yesterday he said that he finds my decision making process "excruciatingly laborious" so I guess I need to back off for a bit.
3. Organizing (this is not to say that I am an organized person, I am just obsessed with the constant, never-ending process).

1. Pet peeves - when people tell me "should" do something (maybe they mean well, but who are they to tell me what I SHOULD do?), knuckle cracking (Drew is normally the culprit), and when people clip their nails or pick their teeth in public (even if I am the only person present I think I count as "public").
2. I love to read and when I start a book I cannot put it down. I don't clean or parent very well during these times or sleep much. I just finished the Lonesome Dove series and I'm taking a little break before I start on something else.
3. I taught sex ed to junior high students in South Africa. That was not intimidating, figuring out how to talk to Lizzie about it is. I have explained how babies come out their mommies, but we have not covered how they get there in the first place.

I tag my family: CODI, JULIE, LISA, & DREW.

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