Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Uncles Arrive

We are still lounging in South Carolina and Lizzie is absolutely loving the attention from her uncles. My brother Scott arrived last night and Dave came this evening. Liz was immediately all over them. When we went to lunch today Lizzie had to hold Scott's hand and sit next to him, and when we got home she talked him into playing ponies with her. As soon as Dave arrived she walked up to him and asked "When are you going to play with me?" Within an hour Dave, his fiance Emily, and Liz were in the pool. We anticipate some more excitement tomorrow when Aunt Codi arrives with cousins Iris and Willa. I thought Liz would need a little time to warm up to my brothers since she only sees them once a year, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Liz has also been loving climbing up the opposite side of the stairs.

1 comment:

DC Diva said...

Dave's engaged? Is it official?! When's the wedding?
