Monday, July 19, 2010


I can't seem to keep Lizzie's hair out of her face. It drives me crazy, but doesn't seem to bother her at all.This is one of Lizzie's standard little sister/big sister poses:
She did the same with Alaina:Today we finally got around to TUMMY TIME.
People keep asking me if Alaina is jealous of the baby. Still, no. She's jealous of Liz.


Codi said...

Gabby has already changed so much! She is beautiful... they are all beautiful!

Carrie said...

Darling girls. Gabriel looks like she's filling out. I love those cheeks. Collette was the same way with her hair (still is). I keep wondering when she will care enough to do it nice.

rachael said...

The girls are just beautiful together!!! I can't believe how much you do with them. My boys have me exhausted by 9am and I'm ready for there to be a nap time.

I am so excited to get back to DC. I can't wait for us to hang out and go to dinner together and go shopping and go swimming together. I miss you guys so much!!!!
