Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Two Wednesdays

We chilled at Nana and Papa's house. It was nice. The only thing missing was Drew.

We played in the pool:Checked the chemicals:Played with bubbles:Gabrielle joined us outside in the evening:

I spent much of the day recovering from my Tuesday travels. The girls weren't too bad on the plane. My favorite moment: when my mom and I traded kids by passing them over the seat (she was seated in front of me). I spent the evening at my grandfather's viewing. Favorites from that: the photo montage Julie made, the bowl M 'n M's for mourners, seeing my cousins and their children, saying goodbye to Grandpa Bud, having my family remember my little Jacob in Grandpa Bud's obituary (that especially touched me).
This is what Alaina wore on the plane, slept in (lost one shoe in the night), and wore for half of the day. She didn't want to change and I didn't want to fight her.
Cousin Smith holding Gabrielle:
Uncle Mike holding Gabrielle:
Grandpa was always passing out M 'n M's so it was fitting to have these at his funeral (Lainey ate tons). The next day I saw my dad slip a bag of the candy into Grandpa's coffin before they closed the lid and that's when I started crying. Funny what sets you off.
My Dad with three of my four bros: Rob, Scott, and Mike:

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