Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day 2 Winds Down

So day two of bed rest winds down. I spent the day laying around reading, emailing, watching TV, and surfing the internet. So far so good. I only got up to eat and when I did I resisted the temptation to clean anything, except I straightened Lizzie's blanket because it was the one thing out of place in the one otherwise clean room. Other accomplishments: showering, getting myself breakfast and lunch, doing kick counts (hurray for movement!), remembering to take my pills, and finding a sub for the Family History Center tonight.

I was a little surprised by how strict bed rest is. The doctor and nurse specifically said no to: shopping, cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. I had visions of me sitting propped up in bed with my laptop, laundry, and other projects, but when I clarified things I was instructed to only sit up when I eat and little bit after that to digest the food. The nurse also recommended that only I shower every other day to minimize standing. She seemed relieved that I didn't have any stairs in my home and I was relieved that I hadn't walked the eight flights up to my appointment like I usually do. I asked if I could drive thinking I could drop Drew off at the metro and Lizzie at a playdate, but they said no or more specifically, "You can drive to the doctor's office" and "You're not going anywhere your husband can use the car to drive himself to work."

I have been surprised by how much I missed Lizzie. Last night she wanted Drew to read her stories which was pretty much the only thing I could have done for her and this morning she turned down my offer to help her get dressed and do her hair if she brought everything to my bed (though I did get a sweet goodbye hug and kiss). Tonight I was happy that she wanted me to read to her. After a couple books I told her she could fall asleep in my bed and that daddy would move her later. Now she's sweetly sleeping on the other side of the bed and I can gaze at her whenever I want.

As with our situation last year, we have been amazed by how quickly our friends have stepped forward to help and comfort us. We have babysitters scheduled for Liz through next week and my visiting teacher, Carrie, already stopped by last night to deliver some soup and check in on us. We are so grateful to everyone for their love and support. Thank you.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Oh Jill - I do hope the last 8 days go by quickly. I know how hard it must be! You seem like you are trying to be very positive about it! I'm really glad that so many friends are stepping up to help too! Just wait till you get to that magical 'week 37!' Then you will probably end up going past your due date! Wouldn't that be ironic!
