Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 4 / 35 Weeks

Today I hit my 35th week, which I've been dreading because Jacob died in the 35th week, but so far so good good.

This morning I thought I felt contractions so I went into the doctor's office to be checked out. Well, it wasn't contractions and everything is just fine. Turns out that what thought was gas three days ago were actually contractions and what I thought were contractions today was actually gas. I'm totally confused. Thankfully everyone at the Kaiser was super nice and assured me over and over that I could come in as often as I want to. The bummer was that it took so long (my doctor always runs behind) that I missed a visit from my friend Amanda (though she left some fun surprises on my doorstep--thanks!).

Today Wendi had Lizzie in the morning (and in the evening she dropped off a frozen meal). In the afternoon Sharon brought Liz home. She and Taryn played while Sharon and I visited. Then, Sharon dropped Liz off at Lea's house for the night and Michelle dropped off a yummy picnic dinner. The food and the slumber party for Liz were much appreciated since Drew texted me that he had to work a little late tonight. Naturally when I'm out of commission our kitchen would be disassembled and Drew would have a crazy busy week at work.

Other fun activities today: emailing, watching "Flight of the Conchords" videos on You Tube (very funny), telephone call from my brother Mike (I don't hear from him often), working on My Publisher photo books, watching Olympic Rhythmic Gymnastics (never heard of it before--it's awesome!), and reading, reading, reading.

So far, bed rest hasn't been too bad. People keep asking me about "cabin fever" and I honestly thought it would have set in already but it hasn't. There are, however, some things that are frustrating about it:

(1) Laying on your side all day gets uncomfortable. It's one thing if you're sleeping or just watching TV (which gets old after awhile). It's quite another if you are trying to type or read or sort through mail.

(2) I cannot clean. Anyone who knows me at all knows I'm not a super star house cleaner but this place is getting out of hand. Every time I walk into the bathroom I wish I could clean it and it kind of disgusts me to see my unkempt bed--not that it can be helped since I'm rolling around in it all day.

(3) There is so much I cannot do for myself. I'm very grateful for all the love and help and feel overwhelmed that so many people have stepped forward to help us. Still, I sometimes feel like a burden (though I know our helpers would say that they are happy to help). It gets a little old asking Andrew to do things that I feel perfectly capable of doing myself but know I'm not supposed to.

(4) I miss the outdoors. I enjoyed the walk through the parking lot on the way to the doctor's office today and I am looking forward to a walk in the park when this is all over.


ebcriss said...

Jill--I am a friend of Ryann's, we met at the soft play room once. I can sympathize with bed rest. I went into preterm labor at 32 weeks and was on bedrest until 35 weeks and then had my 2nd daughter a couple days later. She was born at 35 weeks-- 5lbs 1oz and no NICU time needed :) The medicine was horrible, terbutaline but it did help. At 35 weeks I stopped taking the medicine and she came. There is a lot of mixed feeling on taking/not taking the med.

GOOD LUCK!! You're at a good point now and not much longer before you get to hold a healthy baby. Erin Criss

Wendi said...

Just wanted to say I am proud of you Jill-besides being on bedrest, this is a hard week for you and you are so brave! I noticed the other day on the phone that you said "when we have the baby" instead of "if" and I thought that was so positive!! Way to hang in there!! Just imagine being in the outer banks at this time next year:)
