Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day Three

Well day three is nearly over and all I can say is it hasn't been as bad as I expected, probably because we have had tremendous help and support. Lea had Lizzie all day and Wendi let Liz crash Spencer's birthday party this evening. Several people called or emailed to check in on me, including my Bishop, my Dad and the TLC nurse. Carrie dropped off movies and Brooke dropped off dinner. Trish dropped off the next two books in the Twilight series (I finished Twilight this morning) and my sister Julie mailed me a couple fun books. I have felt extremely loved and supported. Thanks again everyone.

FYI - The TLC program is for high risk pregnancies and apparently I am now enrolled in it because I just got a packet of information in the mail today along with the check-in phone call. I thought I was classified as high risk before, but apparently I've crossed into yet another dimension of risk. Goody.

Today I was kind of productive which felt good. Aside from the usual napping, reading, and emailing I folded a couple batches of laundry while I ate lunch (I had to sit up to eat and digest anyway). It was take bite, fold a shirt, take a bite match some socks, and so on. I did not however make Lizzie's bed. I think I'm just going to have to let that go till next weekend when I'm off bed rest.

I also did some of the training for the new Family Search which will be rolled out in our stake next month. It is going to be so great! Temple Ready will no longer be used. People will be able to clear names for the temple in their own home! I am really excited about this and really sad that I'm going to miss stake training/fireside for family history consultants this Sunday night. Oh well. If Andrew can find my genealogy thumb drive (another small thing that I have lost) I'll be able to do some work from bed next week. That would be pretty cool.

Lizzie seems to be handling things well so far. Each morning she comes in and asks if I can get out of bed yet. No. Then she wants to know why and how much longer it will be. She keeps telling me "that's a long time." But, she seems to be enjoying her additional time with friends. Really it's just one big party for her right now.

Andrew also seems to be managing. I know he's stressed but the support that has been provided seems to have helped him feel better. Of course he seems to be pretty much convinced that the minute I'm off bed rest I'll have the baby. I keep telling him that's not necessarily true and the doctor even joked that he would probably have to induce on my due date (they won't let me go over because of our stillbirth). Still he's worried. When I was pregnant with Liz the midwife told me to start drinking a certain herbal tea to prep my uterus for childbirth. I accidentally made the first batch too strong and Andrew was certain that between that and walking up the escalator at the Rosslyn metro and the two flights of stairs to work I would send myself into early labor. He kept asking me to please not take the stairs anymore and to wait another week to drink the tea. These pictures are from Sunday night. Lizzie asked if we could take some family pictures. She wanted some serious and some funny. I was holding the camera and I cut off all or part of Andrew's head in almost every shot.


Wendi said...

cute pics Jill!! My favorite is the top left pic-you and Andrew look great in that pic!!

Rebecca said...

Hey Jill - I had a TLC nurse from Kaiser when I was pregnant (we all remember how crappy my whole throw-up pregnancy was?) - and I tell you they were so GREAT! They were the nicest ladies, and were so good to me when I called in bawling, or was freaking out, whatever. It was funny - they called on my 37 week marker to congratulate me on making it - and then about 2 days later I had Max!

I love ya!
