Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fun times in Papa's pool

Uncle Scott tried to get Lizzie and Iris to have a chicken fight. The girls weren't into it. Lizzie was really into Uncle Scott though and would only get on his shoulders (not Aunt Codi's).
Luckily Aunt Codi had a tube Lizzie could use so she and Iris did not have yet another thing to compete over.
The girls liked pushing people around on the floaty. According to Lizzie it was a bus. Iris was the driver and Lizzie was the engine. In this picture Willa's taking a ride, but they also transported Codi.
Lizzie and Papa. On our first day in the pool, one of Lizzie's beloved water wings popped, but she seemed to manage pretty well with just one or her kickboard. Liz really enjoyed showed everyone how she could put her face in the water and "swim."
Codi and Willa. Unfortunately once Scott, Dave, and company arrived I was so busy taking pictures of Iris and Liz that I neglected to take pictures of almost anyone else. This is pretty much the only picture I have of Codi. I have others of Willa, but most of them are blurry (that kid's always on the move). I don't have a shot of Mom or myself.

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