Friday, August 8, 2008

Like Mother Like Daughter

Okay, so Andrew was been telling me for awhile that he thinks Lizzie gets her stubbornness and penchant of over reactions/drama from me (although anyone who knows Drew knows how stubborn he can be). Lately I have been noticing another personality trait that may be my doing. This morning as I was doing her hair, I asked Liz if she was going to share her bows with her new baby sister. She said that she would unless the baby messed up her "pattern" (how the bows are hung on our storage ribbon) which sounds so much like me. She also recently dumped out a box of crayons and slowly put them back in saying that she needed to put them in a pattern (a.k.a. organize them). Now I don't know if this is a girl thing, a first-born thing, or a Lizzie thing. If it comes from Liz that's fine, but I hate to think I'm already unintentionally passing on my own crazy issues to my child.


Ryann said...

I am so right there with you! I constantly organize and need to arrange the house, the cupboards, the kids toys! And you've seen Em-she is the same way. So I have to say as another first born that my oldest daughter is the exact same way. But the good side is that they'll have a very organized house!

Julie Broadbent said...

That's awesome! I've known you for what, 27ish years, and I think this is a Jill-thing that you have passed on to Lizzie. But I don't think that's bad. It should make it easier to keep her room clean. :)
