Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jill is the Best -- at Small Talk (this post not appropriate for children)

Jill likes to be a part of my life and likes to share parts of her life with me. Sometimes the things she shares with me are really interesting. Sometimes (just being truthful here) I have to try hard not to tune it out. One of the more common ways Jill likes to get me involved in her life is by relating something interesting she heard on the radio or by sharing an interesting article she read. That stuff is usually pretty nice for small talk, but somehow her judgment failed her the other day. This is exactly how our conversation went:

Jill: "I read a really interesting article today."

Andrew: "Oh yeah, let's hear about it."

Jill: "Some doctor said that for every 35 pounds of weight a man can loose, he'll gain an inch in the size of his penis."

Andrew: Blank stare

Jill: "Anyway, I thought it was interesting."

So you ladies check out the article Jill read, try it out as a topic for small talk with your husbands, and let me know how they respond. I'm still trying to decide how to respond to Jill myself. I mean, I know I need to loose a little weight, but...


Ryann said...

Had to laugh at that one! I think that I'll bring that up to Terry and see his reaction. He'll probably completely miss the penis enlargement and think do I need to lose weight? Heehee.

ANdrew-you are the MAN! And such a great husband-way to step it up for Jill! We totally wish that we could have been one of your helpers this week but we've been there in spirit!

Sarah said...

So this is the way you get your husband to lose weight....:)

Rebecca said...

Um, where is this article? And Andrew - can you come paint my kitchen cabinets next please? :)

...tom... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
...tom... said...

(I so do love a graceful entrance ...that deleted comment was me stubbing my 'posting toe'.)

Found your blog while randomly surfing the 'next blog' link.

My wife so does not need to read this post or try this . . .'motivation' out on her husband.

Fun post blog.

