Monday, August 4, 2008

We're home

Liz and I returned to DC late Monday night. This is what awaited us:
Andrew decided to repaint the kitchen cabinets while we were gone, but he underestimated how much time it would take to complete the project. It's kind of a crazy mess here, but I appreciate all the work he's done.


Jessica said...

Wow! What a big project to do on one's own. I want to repaint my kitchen cabinets but have delayed because I think it is a lot more work than it seems. I like the color!

rachael said...

I am so impressed that Andrew took it upon himself to repaint your kitchen cabinets, what a great husband!!!! Shawn and I have refinished kitchen cabinets before....what a nightmare it was to sand and stain. I wish we would have just painted them.

I have never been to your house. It is beautiful Jill, even with the mess. I love your decorating skills!!!!

Rebecca said...

Painting. I hate it. Andrew - when you are done over there- can you stop by my house?
