Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sad Morning, Happy Morning

SAD: Early yesterday morning (Saturday) we awoke to sounds of Lizzie crying in her room and saying "What should I do?! What should I do?!" over and over. Andrew went in to check on her and she tried to hide from him behind her door. Turns out she wet the bed and was very distraught. The last time this happened was in the spring AND in our bed. I was out of town. Lizzie had crawled into bed with Drew. He realized what had happened when he rolled into a wet spot. Yuck. It happened again a night or two later and then not again until this weekend.

HAPPY: This morning Lizzie awoke to find that while she slept in our room, I completely changed hers (removed a dresser & some toys, then rearranged the remaining furniture & toys). We were a little nervous that Liz would be upset by the unauthorized alterations, but when she saw it she came running into our room excitedly saying "Daddy! Daddy! Come see my room!" She thanked me and asked if I had changed things because I knew she would like it. Yup. I had also worried that Liz would be upset that we were no longer storing things under her bed because she had previously told me that with all the stuff there was no room monsters under her bed, but that did not seem to even enter into her consideration.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Lizzie is a crack up-I love that little girl:)
