Tuesday, August 19, 2008

10 Days of Bedrest

So, today I went to the doctor's office for my weekly non-stress test (NST) and got put on strict bed rest for 10 days!

While I was hooked up to the monitor I had three contractions so the nurse brought the doctor in to speak to me. He wanted to know how long I had been having contractions and I said I hadn't noticed any. While he was talking to me I apparently had another one that I did not feel. He and the nurse asked me if I felt tightening in my belly, lower back pain, and abdominal pressure. I was like, yeah always.

So, the doctor checked me and I'm dilated to a three which is a problem because I'm still 10 days away from my 36th week. I got two shots of some contraction-stopping medication while I was again hooked up for a NST. I also got a prescription for the same medication in a pill form that I have to take every six hours during the next ten days.

Bed rest is a very new experience for me. I don't feel sick so it's weird to just lay around when there are dishes in the sink and laundry in the hamper. Also I know the situation has significantly increased Andrew's stress level and workload which I feel badly about. I didn't like laying around reading tonight while Drew bustled around the apartment cleaning and tending to Lizzie. Laying around has also given me more time to stress about what I may have done wrong. Did I excert myself too much at the water park yesterday? Why aren't I more in tune with my body so I can notice contractions?

I'm not looking forward to bed rest, but I'm willing to comply if it will increase our chances of having living child.


Ryann said...

Oh Jill-that can be hard! I hope that people have offered to take Lizzie and do some housework for you. Now is the time when people need to step up to help you and I hope that they do!

Dan and Sharon said...

Taryn and I need to be out of the house all day on Friday. Would you like us to come up and help clean and keep Liz busy? I'm up for dish,laundry, bathroom cleaning and Taryn always wants to play with Liz. Let me know! Take care and enjoy you 10 days, read, read read. Let me know if you want me to pick up a book for you at the Library. Take care and relax, Don't stress about stuff. Thank goodness you are so close to 36 weeks, and your bed rest is not so long. Take care

Jessica said...

Hi Jill, I was on bedrest for about two weeks and it wasn't easy but I was swollen like a piece of road kill and that didn't help. I'd love to come over and clean and cook dinner!

Rebecca said...

Do NOT worry that you did something wrong! Just be glad you they discovered it, that they have ways of treating it, and that it is going to be OK. Oh yeah, AND ENJOY THE TIME IN BED!!! It is OK to have dirty dishes, it is OK to let the house get a little messy. Lizzy is not going to die if she watches too many cartoons over the next ten days. Let me know if I can do anything! I hope you have a good supply of books!

rachael said...

Oh you lazy bum!!! You know that you just want some time off....hahahaha!!!! 10 days without any cleaning, I'd be jumping for joy, or in your case, laying down for joy!!
Stop thinking about Andrew and start thinking about yourself, which you tend not to do!!! Andrew would go to the end of the world for you and enjoy it because he loves you. So don't be feeling guilty about your husband doing some extras. You're growing a baby, nothing he will do around the house will ever compare to that job!!! Stay on your butt and do what the doctors tell you!! Use paper plates and get people over there to bring you dinners so that you don't have any clean-up, take out isn't such a bad idea either for the next 10 days.
I wish I was there!!! I'd be helping you out so much you'd be tired of seeing me!! We are thinking of you and we can't wait to see baby girl Nielson!! I mean after this 10 days we can't wait to see her...Which hospital are you delivering at??
