Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm not ready for her to grow up.

I can't believe how big/old Liz is getting. She is starting kindergarten on Tuesday and I'm beyond nervous about the whole thing. Part of it may be that she will be going to a public school instead of the private kindergarten at her preschool like we originally intended. Her class is going to be big and due to bed rest I wasn't able to go to school to meet her teachers and see the classroom, both of which would have probably helped alleviate some of my fears.

Still, I can't deny that she is progressing. She has reached what I consider some milestones this year:

1 - She sat through a couple Imax movies without completely freaking out.

2 - She is no longer deathly afraid of ants. Apparently now they are "cute" and "her friends" and I'm supposed to walk carefully so that I do not accidentally squish them.

3 - She put her face in the water.

4 - Finally tried water wings (and liked them). She also tried and loved kick boards.

5 - She had her first professional haircut (I figured I should stop mangling her hair).

6 - She became comfortable riding her training-wheeled bike without a parent's hand constantly on it.

I'm sure there's more, but that's all that come to mind right now.


Ryann said...

I was just thinking about this same thing (you'll probably see a post about it). Em will no longer be mine. She is going to become a child of the world and will be learning things that I didn't teach her nor supervise. Scary. And I'm getting sentimental about it. Like you, I can't believe that she will be starting school. And that here, she is going into the equivalent of first grade which brings all new fears to me. Will she be behind? Will the English kids be kind to her and accept her or treat her like an outsider? Oh, the list goes on and I should not ramble here. Suffice it to say, I feel you JIll.

rachael said...

I don't have any babies that are starting school, but I have to agree with you...where does time go? How do babies grow up so fast? I think that there is a time warp for parents with little kids and one month is really only one day. One moment you're thinking that you can't wait till they can sit up on their own and the next moment that same baby is asking for a second bowl of cereal using full sentences.
Oh and you wait...time goes by even faster with the second baby because you're doubly busy.
