Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Today at the doctor's office . . .

I had my usual sonogram, examination, and non-stress test marathon appointment. Things looked okay except that the baby's heartbeat was elevated. The doc thought it was from my anti-contraction medication so she switched my prescription. She also instructed me to go on modified bed rest next week. I'm not sure what that means. The only thing I thought to ask was "So, like I can drive my daughter to school but then I should go home and lay down?" She agreed. After three hours at Kaiser I was glad to finally be home where I could make up some of the sleep I missed last night. Sleeping was especially nice since a side effect of the new meds is a continuous headache. The doc said I could take Tylenol, but even with her blessing I'm too nervous to take anything yet.

Today I have been especially nervous. I woke up early this morning and for some reason was convinced that the baby was dead. It took a while (and a few kicks) before I calmed down, but I could not go back to sleep. I passed the time until I had to go to my appointment by organizing our photos and backing them up online (I'm up to year 2005). I became increasingly anxious and had a hard time leaving the house. I am always a little nervous when I go to my appointments and don't sleep much the night before, but today I just couldn't seem to keep it together and only reached a relatively steady level when I saw the heartbeat on the sono. Still I keep thinking why can't they just take her out NOW while we know she's still alive?

While I was freaking out at home, Lizzie enjoyed the day Tricia's house. Yesterday she was with Amanda. I thought for sure Liz and Cooper would fight the entire time, but it sounds like they got along well. Before Liz and Drew returned last night I enjoyed a visit from my friend Kristen who dropped off a delicious dinner, the leftovers of which have gotten me through today as well. Another highlight today was the arrival of a book on CD from my Kirsten in Germany (thanks for thinking of us).

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hi Jill, what a time for you. I don't blame you for wondering why they don't just take your baby girl now while she is okay?! I would be having the same thoughts!
